Sunday, February 5, 2017

Exploring Italy - still work camps

Even I was full of adventures spirit and hungry to explore the world I had to come back to reality. I had 3 more years of university (Academy of Arts) that I was really passionate about and determined to finish it. But this was not bad, oh no, it was really good because I had motivation to finish all my exams on time, so I can have all summer for traveling :)
When I came back from my first work camp I applied for scholarship and I was saving as much as I could for next summer. This year (2012) I decided that its time for me to go solo, and it was a great decision! I always liked Italy, and I started to learn the language, that by the way I'm still improving, so destination was set.
It is very important to travel alone, because then we can be truly free, anyone know us and anyone have any expectations from us, we can be who we want to be and who we really are. That is the real beauty of traveling alone, but I will tell you something else and that is that you will never be alone, on this way I meet so many amazing, interesting people.  
This year I choose seaside in Puglia, also a village. We were cleaning the beach and park and helping locals to prepare small festival. I experienced real Italian atmosphere as they invited us on dinners with their all families and introduce us to their food and culture on the best way. We also visited many nearby places, and spend a lot of time enjoying on the beach and party at night :)

I spent beautiful 3 weeks with this wonderful people, then went to visit Rome and back to mother land.
Next year I was brave and decided to go hard core, real adventure ( it's how it looked in my head). So I found a part time job in small hostel in my city, I was thinking that if I can't travel, at least I can meet some travelers :) 
The plan was : I wanted to go to Italy again because I loved it and I was trying to improve my Italian. First one week in Naples, alone, no camp just me in the hostel, I tried to find host on couch surfing but at the last moment the host canceled and I had to book hostel, anyway I got in touch with some people that were also in Naples in that time. But you know, times were different then (so long ago) and we didn't have this super smart phones with all apps and maps, or at least I didn't. Anyway this time I spent there was real adventure. Advice : if you are traveling alone, choose the biggest hostel you can find and look friendly, trust me it will be amazing ;)
This year I did two work camps, one in Calabria in mountains and second in Rome. In this period I was not a fan of taking pictures so imagine or go there! What can I say but again amaziiing! Italy is good place to start traveling, because both locals and tourists are friendly and open minded.

"If you think adventure is dangerous try routine, it's lethal" Paulo Coelho

So, do something you are not sure about, go out of your comfort zone, jump from a big cliff in the sea, start a conversation with a stranger in the train, hitchhike and go where ever the first car that stops goes, spend the day with someone who doesn't speak the same language, try new things because that is what makes us feel alive and make us feel our heartbeat!      

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